
FlexCommunity Conference 2023

Wed, 22 February, 2023 — Thu, 23 February, 2023, 9:00 - 12:30 (CET)

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Be a part of the FlexCommunity Conference and discuss with us how we can make flexibilities in the energy system thrive.

One year of FlexCommunity! What are the achievements and how do we plan to move forward in our community? Discuss future cooperative approaches to flexibility provision and utilisation and learn about the goals we will be working towards in the upcoming two years.
22 February 2023, 9:00am – 16:00pm
23 February 2023, 9:00am – 12:30pm     
Preliminary agenda:

22 February (Day 1):

Welcome address | Mark van Stiphout, DG Energy
Keynote: Needs and sources of flexibility |
Michele de Nigris, RSE / NSCG
Panel discussion: Harvesting Flexibilities |
Moderator: Ludwig Karg, B.A.U.M. Consult
Stakeholders for a flexible energy system | 
Andreas Corusa, B.A.U.M. Consult
Interactive parallel workshops

23 February (Day 2): 
Parallel FlexGroups meetings
  • FG1: Technical Management of Flexibilities
  • FG2: Flexibility Market and Organisational Design
  • FG3: Solutions for Utilities and Energy Communities
  • FG4: FlexOffer User Group

See the detailed agenda here:

Event agenda