
int:net Lunch Talk Series


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Connecting the Dots: Exploring Interoperability Over Lunch

Join Us for a Lunch Talk Series on Interoperability!

We are excited to announce our new Lunch Talk Series from the int:net Community, where we will be diving deep into the world of interoperability and the results of our int:net project.

Starting Date: August 27th, 2024  
Time: 1-2 pm  
Location: Online

What to Expect:

Engaging Discussions: Our sessions will cover a wide range of topics, all related to our int:net project. Whether you are a seasoned expert or just starting out, there is something for everyone!

Expert Insights: Hear from int:net project partners who are at the forefront of creating interconnected systems. Our speakers will share their experiences, insights, and visions.

Community Connection: Network with like-minded professionals, exchange ideas, and find opportunities to collaborate. This is your chance to connect with others who are passionate about building a more connected world.

Upcoming Topics:

 Date  Title  Speaker

27 August 2024

 SGAM Layer 6: a means to describe the governance for interoperability

  B.A.U.M. Consult GmbH, Ludwig Karg & Carlos Ayon Mac Gregor

 17 September 2024

 Overview of (interoperability) testing approaches and methods in the energy domain

 Austrian Institute of Technology, Thomas Strasser

 08 October 2024

 Ensuring interoperability of flexibility registers: what about stakeholders' incentives?

 E.DSO, Ondrej Cerny; EUI, Nicolò Rossetto; Schneider Electric, Maria Andreeva; RTE, Karyn Jean Francois; Finnish NRA and CEER, Jaakko Kennila

 29 October 2024

 Use Cases & Interoperability: Challenges & Lessons Learned

 Tecnalia, Maider Santos-Múgica

 19 November 2024

 Interoperability, what does that mean, and how do we get better at it?

 EPRI, Joep van Gennuchten

10 December 2024

 Energy consumers data management models: different pathways to reach the same destination?

 Laia Guitart (E.DSO), Ellen Beckstedde (EUI), Georg Hartner (EDDIE Project), Darlow Harideep Kiruparajan (Energinet)

14 January 2025

 Power and energy testing facilities in Europe with a focus on interoperability

 Austrian Institute of Technology, Thomas Strasser & Edmund Widl

04 February 2025

 What's next about the implementing acts on interoperability?

 Florence School of Regulation, tbd

25 February 2025

 Interoperability Initiatives

 Trialog, tbd

18 March    2025

 CEED Blueprint


Please find a brief description of all Lunch Talks here. The document will be updated constantly.

We will send you the access link, which will be the same for every lunch talk.

Do not miss out on this opportunity to expand your knowledge and connect with fellow enthusiasts in the field. We can not wait to see you there!

Feel free to also register to our int:net Community with this link: www.community.intnet.eu

Submit your registration:

Terms and conditions:
  • We would like to point out that images, sound and film recordings will be made at this event.
  • By completing registration, I confirm that I have read and understood the data protection declaration and information, including the information on image, sound and film recordings, and that I consent to the collection of my data.
I accept the terms above.