Save the Date! Be a part of the FlexCommunity Conference and discuss with us how we can make flexibilities in the energy system thrive.
22 February 2024, 2:00pm – 17:30pm
23 February 2024, 9:00am – 12:00pm
- Day 1, 22 February
Presentation and Discussion of Last Year's Work
» Keynote: Flexibilities - why, where and how much? | Jochen Kreusel, Global Head of Market Innovation at Hitachi, President of T&D Europe
» The transition to a flexible energy system | Carlos Ayon Mac Gregor, B.A.U.M. Consult» Categorisation of flexibilities» How to harvest and trade flexibilities - The FlexOffer user group | Olivier Genest, TRIALOG & Torben Bach Pedersen, Aalborg University/FlexShape» Tackling cross-sector interoperability from the energy perspective: The int:net community | Markus Stroot, FIT Fraunhofer» Panel discussion: Flexible and interoperable energy systems – how can we make it happen? | Ludwig Karg, B.A.U.M. Consult
- Day 2, 23 February
Interactive Sessions and Collaborative Work on challenges and opportunities for community members.
» int:net use case presentation | Maider Santos-Mugica, TECNALIA
Joint discussions between the FlexGroups and Interoperability Focus Groups on the topics of
1. Data spaces | Antonio Kung, TRIALOG
2. Use cases | Ludwig Karg, B.A.U.M. Consult3. Regulatory framework | Daniele Stampatori, European University Institute4. Testing | Edmund Widl, AIT Austrian Insitute of Technology GmbH
» Panel discussion: The role of communities | Rene Kuchenbuch, OFFIS e.V.