
int:net IOP workshop

Online/ Brussels

The int:net project aims at fostering the harmonisation of interoperability (IOP) activities on energy services throughout Europe by forming an interdisciplinary network of stakeholders, which will engage in a constant exchange on the topic during the project period and beyond.

1. Weekly online meetings 

The weekly meetings will serve as preparation for the final physical workshop. The first kick-off online meeting will take place with all registered participants on 13th February, 16:30 PM. Participants should join all following calls, which will be decided and agreed on the kick-of meeting, following surveys to find suitable days. 

Tentative topics to be discussed are:  

·      Demonstrate DSO to TSO exchange of power system model including diagrams and geographical location, 
·      Demonstrate TSO to DSO exchange of power system model including diagrams and geographical location, 
·      Demonstrate different variants of boundary set exchange, 
·      Demonstrate extensive usage of reference data, 
·      Demonstrate power system project exchange, 
·      Demonstrate possibilities for exchange using JSON-LD instead of CIM XML. 

The meetings focus on discussing issues and introducing topics for the physical workshop. 

2. Workshop on May 16 and 17, 2023

The physical workshop will pivot around concluding the weekly meetings and finding common ground. The weekly calls serve as preparation for this event, which will take place during two full days in Brussels, in ENTSO-E premisses.  

For the workshop, we will have a round table discussion on the general implementation of CGMES v3 and other topics such as usage of boundary and reference data, the setup of data exchange processes, and how to manage transitions, conformity (e.g. How to improve FAT and define workable SAT), and data exchange serialization topics. This will include an active exchange in form of hackathons. The workshop will also include testing of data exchanges using prototypes tools to demonstrate and vet the standardization approaches.  

A more specific agenda will be shared after the kick-of meeting. 

Find more information via this link.

Important note for registration: if you are a vendor, please indicate in the comment field below which software/product(s) should be tested.